Commission Representative: Lola Legros
The Paris Region Film Commission was created in 2004. In 2019, it became part of Choose Paris Region, Paris Region’s international attractiveness and promotion agency, under the brand name Film Paris Region.
Its missions are to:
Thanks to its in-depth knowledge of the film and audiovisual sectors and its close ties with industry players and the region, Film Paris Region assists you in:
We have a database, with more than 2,000 locations on it, which you can browse through very selective criterias in order to find the perfect location for you :
From filming to post-production, many Paris Region companies offer services that are increasingly respectful of the environment and use innovation to support their commitment.
By coming to Paris Region, you are opting for a sustainable production while having access to the best technology in the industry.
There are some national and regional incentives to come into Paris Region.
National incentives center around the TRIP (Tax Rebate for International Productions), which can make productions benefit from a 30% Tax Rebate (or 40% if there is a $2 million spend on VFX).
Regional incentives center around funds. The Paris Region Film Fund welcomes international productions as well as national ones.