Western Australia’s lead screen funding and development organisation.
Website: www.screenwest.com.au/
Gabrielle Cole, Production Attraction and Services Manager
E: gabrielle.cole@screenwest.com.au
P:+ 61 08 6169 2100.
In addition to the Australian Federal Incentive Program Screenwest offers:
The Western Australian Production Attraction Incentive
- Designed to attract high profile, market driven footloose screen productions to Western Australia.
- The incentive offers production funding of a minimum of 10% of the project’s Qualifying Western Australian Expenditure.
The Western Australian Regional Screen Fund
- Designed to attract screen projects to undertake production in regional Western Australia.
- The fund offers production funding up to a maximum of $AU2million, based on a 2:1 ratio of Qualifying Western Australian Regional Expenditure.
The Western Australian Post-Production, Digital & Visual Effects (PDV) incentive
- Designed to attract screen projects to carry out PDV work in Western Australia, regardless of where it
was filmed.
- The incentive offers:
• A 20% rebate on the first $AU500,000 of Qualifying Western Australian Post Production Expenditure
(up to $AU100,000); and
• A further 10% rebate for all Qualifying Western Australian Post Production Expenditure over